I am pleased to share with you about a book written by my brother in Christ and friend, Dr. William (Bill) Hines.

Many times we allow our past to define us—it becomes our identity as it holds us in bondage.

In this book, Dr. Hines helps us think through the biblical way to look at our past, process it with the help of the Holy Spirit, deal with our unconfessed sin, give thanks for the experiences the Lord led us through, and walk in freedom in our present and past. We are no longer victims being held captive by the past.

The way to overcome your past is to be who you are in Christ. You are not a victim held in bondage to your past. You are a child of God. For a Christ-follower, his or her identity is in Christ and His Spirit helps us look at our past through the lens of His mercy, grace, and strength.

In addition to giving sound biblical advice and presenting God’s truth, Dr. Hines gives very practical advice on how to deal with the sin from our past.

Dr. Hines is an ordained minister, author, and the President of Covenant Ministries, Inc. (a biblical counseling and education ministry in Ft. Worth, Texas). He has provided biblical counseling and biblical counselor training for over 25 years and has served several Bible Colleges as adjunct faculty.

Click to Tweet: For a Christ-follower, his or her identity is in Christ and His Spirit helps us look at our past through the lens of His mercy, grace, and strength. #YourPast
