struggled to find a book to review this month. I actually started this article six different times about six different books. Each time I quit after a paragraph. My problem is I am in a reading slump. I have several books I want to read, but when the first page comes up or the book opens to the words Chapter One, my attention wanders.

 So, I have decided to do a short review on a book I read several years ago. Watchers by Dean Koontz was first published in 1987. This is a story of Koontz doing what Koontz does best, weaving horror, mystery, romance, and a lovable dog into an enjoyable tale. It is the perfect book for lounging by the pool!

The story boils down to this – ex-military man Travis has lost his joy for life. He goes for a hike in the mountains and finds a golden retriever. The dog is smart, so Travis names him Einstein. As they journey together, Travis learns just how smart Einstein really is. The two meet Nora, an agoraphobic artist who is being stalked. She joins them, so our duo becomes a trio. Meanwhile, Einstein is being chased by a hitman who is to kill him and anybody with him.

Did I mention they are also being chased by a genetically engineered creature called the Outsider? Koontz has the ability to describe scenery and emotions in a way that makes me want to keep reading. After all these years I look forward to each of his new releases. His latest release, The Big Dark Sky, comes out July 19. I already have my copy reserved!

So, I was wondering – how do you get out of your reading slumps? I tried different genres, re-reading old favorites, and tackling the 100 books listed on PBS’s The Great American Read. I am eyeing the Wicked series by Gregory MacGuire. Or the Kingfountain series by Jeff Wheeler. Who knows? Maybe I will review one of those next month!

Side note: In my spare time, instead of immersing myself in a fantasy tale or mystery, I am playing lots of games on my phone. On the plus side, my virtual farms and castles have never looked better! I have harvested so much wheat lately, Just call me Farmer Cammi!

From Amazon: On his thirty-sixth birthday, Travis Cornell hikes into the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains. But his path is soon blocked by a bedraggled Golden Retriever who will let him go no further into the dark woods. That morning, Travis had been desperate to find some happiness in his lonely, seemingly cursed life. What he finds is a dog of alarming intelligence that soon leads him into a relentless storm of mankind’s darkest creation…



  • Cammi Woodall

    Daughter, sister, friend, huge nerd, procrastinator… All are words Cammi Woodall uses to describe herself. A new one she is using is “writer.” You can find her at Facebook or on Pinterest.

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