Hope. Sometimes you find it in unexpected places. Like a quote from St. Augustine–a theologian and philosopher of Berber origin and the bishop of Hippo Regius in Numidia, Roman North Africa, born in 354 AD.
St. Augustine said, “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”
Let that sink in.
Wow. This quote always leaves me breathless. Especially when I realize that I will never be perfect. No matter how much I want to be just like Jesus, and never say a wrong word or think a wrong thought or act in a wrong way, it’s never gonna be like I want it this side of heaven. And sometimes that makes me lose hope.
Until I remember that God loves me anyway. Now he wants me to be obedient and live in excellence but he also understands that I came from dust. And dust is, well, kinda messy.
Like me.
The next time you’re struggling to find hope in your day, take a moment to bask in God’s love. Read some scriptures, listen to music, or explore nature. Let His love, the steadfastness of it all, overwhelm you for the good.
What do you think of St. Augustine’s quote?
I needed to hear that today
I’m glad it helped. Stay strong!