“I travel the way of truth, even if I’m the only one. I travel the path of light, even if I’m the only one. I travel the path of hope, even if I’m the only one. One giving truth and hope and light to those who think there is no truth and hope and light left to hang onto.”

-James L. Rubart


Southern Fiction Author


Jennifer Hallmark

Jennifer Hallmark writes Southern fiction with a twist. Her website and newsletter focus on her books, love of the South, and favorite fiction. She creates stories with unforgettable characters—her stories are a little eerie and otherworldly but with a positive turn.

Jessie’s Hope, her first novel, was a Selah Award nominee for First Novel. Her latest novel, Smoking Flax, will be released on January 16th, 2024.

When she isn’t babysitting, gardening, or exploring the beautiful state of Alabama, you can find her at her desk penning fiction or studying the craft of writing. She also loves reading and streaming fantasy, supernatural stories, and detective fiction from the Golden Age or her favorite subject—time travel.


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A Smidgen of Hope: Miracles

MIracles. What do you think of when you hear the word? Moses parting the Red Sea? Jesus walking on the water? Someone pronounced dead and then revived afterward? We all have our thoughts when it comes to miracles. And I think miracles are something we can tie into...

PBS Great Read – The Martian by Andy Weir

Recently I was looking at different inserts to put in my planner for this year and I came upon the PBS Great Reads list. Viewers voted on their favorite book, resulting in a varied selection that showcased the diversity of America. As I looked over the list, I was...

A Smidgen of Hope: Connection

Hope. We all need it. Hunt for it. Grab onto it in our times of greatest need. But what exactly is it? For this word, I’ve dug back into my favorite old dictionary, Webster’s 1828. It says, “Hope is a desire of some good, accompanied with at least a slight expectation...

Friday Fiction: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

The Picture of Dorian Gray begins with a simple yet obvious realization, but for Dorian, this offhand comment of Lord Henry Wotton is tragic. Dorian’s youth, his beauty, his remarkable and most admired quality will fade, one day leaving him a withered old man just...

A Smidgen of Hope: The Good Ol’ Days

Hello, friends! I've been thinking about hope and the past and I've come to a conclusion. I don't believe in the good ol' days. Nope. I truly believe each season of my life has had its share of the positive and negative. Highs and lows. Wonderful times and depressing...

Friday Fiction: My Top Five Spring Reads

Hello, Friday Fiction Friends! March has arrived and I'm more than ready for an early spring. How about you? In Alabama, March can bring freezing weather, snow, tornadoes, or 70+ degree weather. And this can all happen in a twenty-four-hour period... But books never...